Actualizing a bzaar experience

BZAAR is a next-generation NFT Marketplace, designed to offer a truly immersive shopping experience, leveraging emerging technologies for a seamless on-platform and on-the-go experience.

What bzaar needed

Inspired by digital pets of the 90s. Bzaar wanted a fresh take on what is possible with geospatial convergence in a post PokemonGo world. With a strong desire to xplore how we can use emerging technologies to make buying more accessible, we dived deep into blockchain as well as other technologies. At the core of Bzaar is creating augmented reality with a geolocation component for the future to come.

How Bohemian helped

The uniqueness of our project stemmed from having the autonomy to select a chain first. We investigated many of the emerging chains, due diligence on the pros and cons of the platforms and looking at the bigger picture and goals related to the Flow blockchain - link to with logo. (Curious about our due diligence, read more here.)

Additionally, we created a brand of the concept that evolved into a Bzaar shopping experience with AR at the forefront!

what we did

Our technical architecture was designed to make it easy for users to purchase an NFT with a single click.

Proving out the technical development feasibility, solving for multiple facets of the business from transactions to handling chargebacks, we created a functional product that's usable, interactive and FUN!

Follow our story by joining our discord.


We solved for users to have a brand new way to partake in ownership and trading of digital goods overtime by allowing users to take the NFT's they own off our platform and into whatever home they please.

This is a work in progress.


We are not yet at the moon, but onto Beta!